4 Reasons You Should Focus on Client Reactivation Instead of Acquisition

When it comes to building a business, most people focus on one big refrain: get more customers. Customer generation is a massive concern for most companies, and rightfully so. After all, you need new customers to grow. In some cases, though, the attention can be a bit misdirected. While obtaining new customers is indeed essential, it may actually be more important to focus on reactivating the clients you’ve already worked with than it is to focus on bringing in new ones. Why? Existing customers are worth more (in terms of…

How to Improve Your Customer Retention in One Afternoon

You’ve heard the sayings forever – patience is a virtue, and good things come to those who wait. While sound advice for nearly every other aspect of life, small business owners don’t always have the luxury of time to sit on their hands while time works its magic – time is money and money keeps the doors open. Fortunately, when it comes to one of the pillars of every small business, no matter the industry – customer service – incorporating just a handful of simple and straightforward best practices into…

5 Creative Ways Chatbots Generate Loyal Fans

Chatbots: they’ve become a go-to for companies looking to provide outstanding customer service. And for a good reason – chatbots have changed the digital communication landscape for customer communication. Back in 2016, the global market value of chatbots was a staggering $703 million. Today, Facebook alone is home to more than 300,000 chatbots, and about 40% of millennials say they chat with a chatbot each day. What’s more, 15% of American adults have used a chatbot, and a whopping 64% of web users report that a 24-hour chatbot is one…

This is What Causes Your Customers to Run to Your Competitor

It’s every marketer’s worst nightmare: Churn. It’s what happens when customers, who are notoriously fickle with their loyalties, come to a company, only to leave eventually for your competitor.  If you’ve experienced this, it’s probably not specifically about your company. Every company experiences churn. Customers are easy to lose, and that’s just a fact of marketing. Today, experts estimate that out of 26 unhappy customers, only one will complain directly to your company. The rest will simply leave. This may lead you to wonder what you’re doing wrong, why your…

This One Marketing Trend Will Make you Stand out on Facebook

Facebook: it’s your most powerful platform and your arch nemesis all at once. With more than 1.45 billion daily users, the channel offers some serious exposure potential. The question then is how do you stand out? As small businesses, enterprises and content creators of all shapes and sizes flock to Facebook, it’s easy to get lost in the fray. Most content creators have had the discouraging experience of investing in Facebook technology, advertising or content, only to find that there are already too many other companies doing it and that…

The 5 Things Your Office’s Facebook Page Needs to Look Professional.

Your Facebook page: it’s your company’s digital doorstep. Whether you’re setting up a new home page for your brand or trying to ensure that your existing one is as good as possible, you know that quality is everything, and it’s essential to ensure your page reflects your business to its absolute best. The question, then, is how? Remembering that Facebook sees nearly 2 billion monthly active users, you know that it’s essential to put your best digital foot forward and ensure that your customers are getting what they need from…

6 Micro-Distractions Killing Your Productivity

Distraction: we all know it. We’ve all felt it. Most of us are intimately familiar with its troublesome effects. The days it leaves us alone, we sail through our work, productive as all get out, churning out great material and leaving our desks satisfied, focused, and ready to dive back in tomorrow. The days when it comes to work with us, though…those days are tough. Distraction makes us feel scattered, inefficient, and frustrated. Even worse, distraction is a pervasive part of many workdays. According to a study published in the…

The 5 Things People are Going to Your Website to Find

Building a website for your business is a great way to attract new customers and keep in touch with old ones. What many business owners miss, though, is that customers expect certain things from your website. This is not a one-way relationship. If you’re going to build a website, you need to ensure that it offers the things that your customers expect to find. Here’s an overview of the top five things customers want to see on your website and will leave if they can’t. 1. Your NAP Information First…

The 7-Point Facebook Ad Checklist that Will Get You Results in 2021

We are rounding the corner on a new season, and it’s just about time to start thinking about your Facebook ads for the upcoming holiday season and New Year. If you’re like most marketers though, this is not something you’re looking forward to. Understandable! Facebook advertising is a moving target. Between all of Facebook’s recent algorithm updates and the increasing traffic on the platform, it’s harder and harder to get noticed. As a result, marketers frequently dread the prospect of creating Facebook ads. After all, what works and what doesn’t?…

What is an Alt Coin?

Today we’re going to talk about alternative digital currencies or alt coins as these all happen to be. Alt as in alternative to Bitcoin.  Alt coins have had bad press inside the Crypto community for years. This was mainly due to lots of scam coins and badly conceived projects. But as the crypto space is beginning to get taken seriously  by forward thinking entrepreneurs, the alt coin market is beginning to evolve.  When I am explaining the alt coin market to people, I say look at how the internet evolved.…