Today, there are more than 2.23 billion monthly Facebook users. This represents an 11% increase from last year. In case you had any doubts about the functionality of Facebook, this statistic should put it right to rest. As if that weren’t enough, there are also 1.15 billion people using Facebook on their mobile device each day, which represents an increase of 23% from last year. With all these people on Facebook, we’ve got one question: what are they coming to learn? If you’re not familiar with Facebook as a platform,…
Category: marketing
3 Unusual but Simple Ways to Use Halloween to Increase Your Sales
Did you know that Halloween is currently worth more than $9 billion annually? Today, customers are spending more money than they ever have before on all things Halloween. This includes Halloween costumes, decorations, candy, and events. Because of this, you can’t afford to miss out on everything this exciting holiday has to offer. Even if you don’t exactly sell plastic cobwebs or fake zombies, Halloween can represent a real opportunity for your brand and your bottom line. Here’s what you need to know about how you can make the holiday…
5 Ways to Become a Local Marketing Hero
All businesses start small. Some start as one-person operations in garages, while others arise from a small group of partners who are passionate about a single cause. We’ve all heard stories about now-mega companies like Apple and Google get their start from humble beginnings, and there are dozens of home-spun companies currently coming up from the ground and enjoying significant success. You know what all these companies have in common? Besides hard work and a clear vision? They took the time to build local interest, first. As is true with…
How to Create 5-Minute Social Posts In Canva
We’ve all seen them: social profiles that are virtually swimming in beautiful, high-quality social media posts. Everything matches, the colors are all complementary, and the company behind the profile never misses a day of posting. It seems too good to be true, right? Either that or the brand has a massive, well-funded marketing department you lack. Fortunately, neither of those things is necessarily true. In fact, lots of great social profiles come from a little bit of old-fashioned elbow grease, and a few good tools. Canva is one of these…
5 Reasons Your Business Needs to Post to Facebook 2x a day, Every day
If you run a business, you know there are dozens of reasons to be on Facebook. The first is that Facebook is the largest social media platform in the world, and that there are millions of people who use it daily. The truth is, how you interact on Facebook makes a major difference in the overall trajectory of your business. If you’re not posting regularly or posting the right things, you risk missing out on traffic you could be earning. Fortunately, there are ways to get around this and to…
Why Branding Your Social Images Makes you Stand out From Your Competition
Today, social media is synonymous with online marketing. If you’re looking for a way to improve your brand’s online presence and encourage more people to interact with your company, engaging on social media is one of the best things you can do. It’s also important to remember, though, that social media is a very crowded field, and standing out requires getting creative. The more you can set yourself apart from the competition, the better you’ll fare. One of the best ways to do this is simple: brand your images on…
4 Reasons You Should Run a Social Media Contest
If you are on social media, chances are you’ve seen a company or individual you follow run a social media contest. These contests serve a variety of purposes. For one, they’re fun for customers and clients. Secondly, they’re a great way for the company in question to advertise itself and its products and to expose both to a broader base of customers. If you run an online business, it might be a good time for you to follow suit and start running your own social media contest. Today, companies in…
3 Fun Ways To Build An Active Email List
Email marketing: it’s the overlooked darling of the marketing world. In addition to offering a higher ROI than virtually any other type of marketing (an average of $38 for every $1 spent), email is widely-used, beloved by customers, and ultra-effective for your business. Before you can dive in with email marketing, though, you need a well-developed email list. Building that, though, can be easier said than done. Here’s what you need to know: Email Marketing, by the Numbers If you’re going to build a healthy email list, you have to…
4 Steps for Monetizing Your Business Facebook Page in 2020
Your Facebook page: you’ve worked hard to build it from the ground up, transforming an ill-trafficked skeleton into an empire. Today, you’ve got ample likes, lots of traffic, and great content generating all of the above. Your question now becomes how to make all those metrics work for you. The answer is monetization: adjusting your Facebook profile, so it drives income from things like clicks, likes, and conversions. Easier said than done? Think again. In this post, we’ll share our top tips for monetizing your Facebook page this year. Let’s…
3 Killer Content Strategies for Busy Entrepreneurs
An entrepreneur’s life: other people envy it, but only when they’re not that familiar with the daily schedule, or the list of responsibilities. If you’ve ever heard the saying “entrepreneurs are the only people who will work 80 hours a week to avoid working 40 hours a week,” you probably know exactly how true that is. But hey – you love it! Growing your business, netting new clients, developing new products – it makes you feel energized and excited and is the single best way you can imagine giving back…